and now aubrey

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

i'm still here, but being quiet.

i realize it's been many, many MONTHS since i last posted on this blog. we had a significant family emergency last spring, which put a major damper on my already weak blogging efforts.

i'm happy to report that things are going much, much better. aubrey is doing wonderfully. she is a spunky, smart, happy almost 2 1/2 year old. she is talking in sentences now, and just soaking up the world around her. we have our occaisional challenging moments (i.e. temper tantrums) but, on the whole she makes me laugh and smile and being with her is the highlight of my day.

i am thinking about putting this blog to rest, and starting a new blog, which will focus on some other things i am interested in, namely, designing knitting patterns. i have been knitting for a long time (since i was ten) and making and designing garments since college. recently i've thought it would be fun to actually write up the patterns and maybe - maybe - try to sell them. anyhow, once i get myself organized, i will post again with the new blog address.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

yes, i know, it's been a while

what can i say? time flies when you're having fun?

well, not really. we are all healthy at the moment, which is good. and aubrey is doing fabulously. but, i have been dealing with an unhealthy amount of work-related stress. my colleagues at the office are, in large part, difficult people to work with. (i am straining politeness here.) it is hard to tolerate the cattiness, finger-pointing, and constantly shifting standards.

and business has been slow for the past few months (faltering economy, anyone?). for a while it has been questionable whether some of us would continue to work full time. (scary...i really can't afford to work part time right now.) so you can only imagine that this added stress makes everyone even more intolerable. it is hard to put on a sunny face sometimes.

things are on a slight upswing at the moment, thankfully.

pete is in texas for the next two weeks on business, so i am going to try and make an effort to post while he is away.

i can't even begin to write about how much aubrey has changed over the past several months. she is starting to put together words into short sentences. she is starting to show early signs of potty-training readiness (we're not quite there yet, but i think by summertime she'll be ready). she is starting to identify feelings (aubrey sad...aubrey happy...monkey funny). it's really amazing.

this weekend we are headed down to my folks for a visit. my sister had a baby girl two weeks ago, so i'm excited to spend some time snuggling with the baby. will be good to get away, i think.

Friday, February 20, 2009

where did my mojo go?

a quick post to say that we're all alive over here, but life's been kind of hectic. job has been nutty and we've all been battling colds, pink eye, and ear infections.

we're on the mend, though. it's just been hard to keep up with blooging these days.

in fact, i'm feeling a bit at a loss for where the days/weeks are going...i think i've lost my mojo. i hope it returns soon!

i promise a post with pictures and details of miss a's latest tricks soonly.

Friday, January 23, 2009

the house of sicky

hola from la casa del sicky. we've all come down with colds, which is no fun. mine has been particulary bad...i'm thinking it might be evolving into a sinus infection. blerg. i've been so busy with work etc. that it's hard to find down time. hopefully this weekend will be low key.

not much to report on these days...aubrey is her ususal self. saying more words every day. we're getting good at some two word phrases. in addition to "oh boy," we are regularly saying "oh yeah," "all gone," "uh oh" and, on occasion, "love you," "more please" and "more juice." (We have recently introduced aubrey to the joys of watered down juice at breakfast time...she's hooked.)

she's been singing a lot these days, too. she likes to sing a song that goes something like this: "aubreyaubreyaubreyaubrey....aubreeeeeey." : )

will write again when feeling better. and i really do mean to post some pictures. really i do.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

"oh booooooy...." aubrey's expression du jour. that and, "let's gooooo!" so cute!

i am AMAZED at how fast aubrey is changing over these past few weeks. her language skills are expanding rapidly. she mimics words and even short phrases. she is getting good at saying a "k" or hard "c" sound now. (she calls my sister kasey "kee kee" now...a big improvement over "tee tee.") and she has graduated from pointing out letters and numbers to starting to say them. if we are reading a story and she recognizes a letter, she points to it and says what the letter is.

she is also becoming quite the little runner and climber. she really is starting to become a toddler and not a baby.

it's happening so fast!!! i am trying to savor these moments of discovery.

its been very cold and snowy up here in the north country. we spent this weekend down at my parent's place. pete left for DC on saturday (he's gone for most of the so it's just me, aubrey and the cabmeister. although i'm getting pretty good at managing the routine by myself, it is tough not having pete around. makes me realize how much of a team we are.

i've said this before, but i'll say it again...i am so thankful i'm not a single mother. don't know how they do it day after day.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

happy new year!

a quick post to say...happy new year! after work we will join friends for an evening of frolicking with little ones, eating yummy food and drinking yummy drinks. it is going to be chilly over the next few days, but i'm hoping that we will have an opportunity to get outside and play...a snowshoe perhaps? maybe a ski?

see you in 2009....

Monday, December 22, 2008

smarty pants

aubrey is surprising us daily with her amazing baby skills! we already knew that aubrey has taken an interest in learning the alphabet, and that she even has a few letters that seem to be perennial favorites (she gravitates toward the letters T and M, in particular) but what we didn't realize is that she actually can identify most of the letters in the alphabet.

rewind to friday night, when we were hanging out in the living room, playing with a gigantic "puzzle" that has all of the letters on it, and numbers up to 10. just for fun, i said "aubrey, where is the letter B?" aubrey pondered for a moment, then crawled up to the puzzle piece with the letter B on it, and swatted it with her hand. pete and i exchanged surprised looks. "where is the letter L?" aubrey pointed to the L. we continued this little game for a while, and were amazed that four times out of five, she picked the correct letter! (she got a little confused about some letters...for example, when asked to find the letter J, she chose G...i think that's because J and G make similar sounds.)

pretty impressive for a 18 month old! i guess the "fridge phonics"are starting to sink in.

also- aubrey impressed us with her color identification skills this weekend. we were playing with a toy with different colored pieces. we asked her which piece was blue, red, green yellow and so on, and she correctly identified each color! so although she only says yellow and purple ("purpoh") she has a basic grasp of the concept of colors. we haven't graduated to magenta or puce yet. soon though. : )

aside: we got approximately two feet (TWO! FEET!) of snow this weekend. the really light, floaty, fluffy kind. pretty wild.